Friday, August 9, 2013

Wanna be the new author?

Hi guys, I'm sorry that i've not done anything for the last past year. I figured that this blog is SUPER outdated (do to me if you haven't notice). And i have can up with a solution A NEEEEEEWWW AAAAUUUTTHHHOOORR!!!!! DID YOU READ THE TITLE PRINCESS?? (Bad joke [I like this way of writing it looks cooler]) I have grown addicted to other games. If you want to stalk me... I MEAN  play with me on different servers i play minecraft. (Minecraft is a german word FUNNNNFACCCT) (Sorry i am high :))))))) )

On this post;
1) state your username
2) State your gender
3) state why you want to be a author
4) state your english grade (in some schools you can have a a level 4th grade enlish when your in 3rd)
5) state why i should pick you
6) tell me if you are smart of a idoit (proof of my highness) OPTIONAL

-Princess over and out